Engaged Parents
At the Wigwam it is important to us that parents feel part of the setting and as such we engage with you in a number of ways to support your child’s learning and development.
We regularly hold events in the Nursery and encourage all parents to come along and join us. These include events to explore festivals such as Diwali, Eid and Christmas. Along with special events for Mothers and Father’s Day. Not forgetting the ever-popular annual sports day which includes a picnic tea at the local park.
Stay and Play
We operate an open-door policy at the Wigwam and encourage our parents to come and spend time in the setting with the children. This could be to share a skill or hobby, to talk to the children about your job or even just to read a story with them.
Planning and Assessment
At The Wigwam we plan for each of the children’s learning and development individually, and having parents involved in the process plays a vital role in this. We share reports on your child’s learning termly and ask for your input into the planning and activities. We hold termly progress review meetings and you will be able to view what your child have been learning through our interactive app, called Famly. This allows you to share with us what you have been up to at home by uploading your own observations. During the progress review you will have the opportunity to sit down with your child’s key person to discus you child’s learning, development and help us plan their next steps.